Thursday, September 13, 2007

How To Have Better Sexual Health By Eating The Right Foods

Don't feel well? Take a pill. A few pounds to lose? Take a pill. No energy? Take a pill. Depressed? Take a pill. Today's society is a pill society. Many studies have been done to show that if people are given a placebo (sugar pill) and told that it will increase their sexual performance; the majority will say that they noticed an increase in their sexual performance. It has proven that enhancing the libido, at least the most important part of it, comes from the mind. So now we wonder, how does food affect a person's sexual and emotional health?

Soy can be used to suppress hot flashes that occur hot flashes, promote a healthy prostate, and help in vaginal lubrication. It adheres to estrogen receptors which maintain the lubrication that a vagina needs. This is a problem that also occurs during menopause. Chili peppers can improve your circulation and stimulate nerve endings. Ginger can do the same thing. Because this improves, so will your sexual pleasure.

Since good blood flow is important for a good erection food that is good for your heart will also be good for your penis. If your heart is not operating properly there is a very good chance that your penis will not be responding as well as you would like it to either. Since saturated fat will clog the arteries, which in turn will restrict the blood flow, it stands to reason that it also restricts the blood flow that reaches your genital region as well. Yes, your body does require fat to create hormones, but it needs the right kind of fats. Good fat comes from olive oils, sea food, and nuts. These good fats will help in the production of hormones that are essential for sexual peak performance.

Foods that are said to have aphrodisiac qualities are asparagus, bananas, eel, oysters, figs, and ginseng. Rhino horn is said to increase the sexual appetite. The taste, texture, or perhaps appearance of these foods are thought to increase the sex drive. There are some that believe if you eat foods that appear penis like it will make your penis strong and like the food that you ingest. The same applies to the oyster or the fig, which either smell or look like the woman's vulva when aroused. When a person eats these foods they are in the hopes that the vulva will then become plump, slippery, and tasty as well.

Sweet or spicy foods are thought to put people in a relaxed mood and to appear ready to take on more pleasure.

Now the question remains, do these food myths work? No, not the way that they are said to work. Foods cannot change the way that your sexual organs look. Food can be a great way to spice up your sex life though, so why not?

Drinking alcohol will relax you emotionally and physically make you look flushed. For a short amount of time it will make you look flushed. Caffeine and sugar offer a quick boost of energy. These are short term effects but in reality what you should do is eat a healthy diet of fish and fresh vegetables to be at your best physically and sexually at all times.

You can make food part of your sexual experience by cooking a mean with your lover and feeding it to each other. Have a picnic in the middle of the floor, place the foods all around you and let your imagination take over. 'The Karma Sutra' suggests boiling a ram's or goat's testicle in sweetened milk with sparrow's eggs and rice and honey for an aphrodisiac.

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida. Find more about this as well as female sexual enhancement at

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